Delicioso e Saudável, Não Consigo Parar de Cozinhar Essa Receita!
Today I'll teach you how to make a healthy and delicious recipe! So click the 'Like' button already and comment 'I Love Healthy Recipes' hereunder Start by cutting 800g of broccoli florets removing most of the stems. If the broccoli florets are too big you can cut them in half or into smaller pieces The ingredients and directions to this recipe will be detailed in the comment section below, step by step Once you've cut all these broccoli florets, set them aside Now boil some water in a saucepan
over medium heat and add 1 1/2 teaspoon of salt Then add 1 1/2 tablespoon of milk Now add all those broccoli florests we've just cut Add broccoli gradually to prevent water from spilling and let it cook over medium heat for 10 minutes or until it has cooked through I'll be back here soon to show you the right cooking point While broccoli is boiling, add 1 1/2 tablespoon of oil to another pan Then add 1/2 medium onion cut into strips Using a spatula, sauté these onions until they star t getting
translucent Leave us a comment telling which city you're watching it from I'd like to give you a shout out and thank you for sharing this recipe Now add 1/2 green pepper cut into strips and 1/2 red pepper also cut into strips Now cook all of these ingredients very well until onions start getting slightly golden brown This is the right cooking point. You may now turn off the heat and set this pan aside Meanwhile, our broccoli has already cooked through and this is the righ t cooking point. You may
now turn off the heat and drain it Drain out all the water and set broccoli aside Add a drizzle of oil to a medium glass baking dish Using a brush, evenly spread this oil all over the baking dish If you've made it here that means you're enjoying our recipe, so click the "Share" button and share this video with all your friends It won’t cost you anything and it will make all the difference for us Now transfer all that broccoli we've just cooked and drained Next , also transfer all the sautéed
onions and peppers we've just cooked Now using a spatula, evenly spread all of these ingredients very well to properly arrange them into our baking dish Once you've mixed them all up, set baking dish aside Now add 3 whole eggs to a bowl then using a whisk or a fork, beat these eggs very well Have you downloaded our 'Aquela Receita' app on your phone yet? It's already available for download I'll leave the app link for download here in the comment se ction Go ahead and download it right now Add 1
1/2 teaspoon of salt to these eggs then add 400ml of milk add also 5 tablespoons of oil and keep mixing all these ingredients very well until fully combined Now add 1 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder then add 6 very full tablespoons of wheat flour and finally add some chopped parsley to taste Mix it all together very well until it fully combines and forms a smooth mixture This is the right consistency, you may now stop mixing Pour this mix ture all over our baking dish To finish it off, I've
sprinkled 100g of grated buffallo mozzarella cheese This cheese is much healthier than the regular mozzarella cheese. I'd recommend you use it instead Take this baking dish to a preheated oven at 200°C (392°F) and let it bake for 40 minutes Our recipe is ready, you may enjoy it now! I really hope you like this recipe Now I'll head back to the comment section and will continue to answer everyone who left the name of their cit y and I'll also thank you for sharing this recipe See you next recipe.
Bye! Inglês
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